Page 21 - Highlights of the Collection
P. 21
Stele in the name
of Tutankhamun
Egypt, Abydos, ca. 1327 BCE
H. 166 x W. 82 cm, pink granite
Highlights of the Collection This arched stele, partially covered with a long
hieroglyphic inscription, promulgates a royal decree
issued in the name of Tutankhamun (1336-1327 BCE),
ensuring the protection of a certain Raya, a high priest
in the Temple of Osiris in Abydos. At the top, a bas-
relief decoration shows an astonishing twin image, with
Louvre Abu Dhabi Tutankhamun featured twice. The sole intermediary
between earth and the gods, he first presents his
offerings and prayers to the great god Osiris, the Lord
of the Underworld, before taking his seat and receiving
the offerings of Pa-en-nesit, a high-ranking official.